The Importance of
Remote Healthcare

For small-business owners looking to get ahead in the fast-paced world of solopreneurship, it can seem like an endless battle of getting situated, learning new things, and fighting to have your voice heard among the throng of the nearly 31 million small businesses in the U.S. today. There are, however, a few tried-and-true activities that can elevate your business from barely making it to immense success.

Let’s take a look at a few tips – courtesy of Jon Belsher – that small-business owners need to keep in mind as they build their brand, get established as a new company, and achieve their dreams as entrepreneurs.

  1. Get Your Brand Right
  2. Branding is absolutely critical. Making sure you have an online presence, a memorable logo, and a cohesive and comprehensive marketing strategy are not easy by any means, but it’s important to present a unified front for your company and have an understandable message. Also, proper branding is tough – if not impossible – if your basic business structure is wrong. So make sure you’ve chosen the right business structure for you. If you need help establishing an LLC, for instance, ZenBusiness is your best resource.
  3. Get Your Software Updated
  4. It’s important to update your software on a regular basis, no matter what systems you’re using or what purpose they serve. Operating systems often have patches that improve your security posture and protect you from cyberattacks (which remain one of the biggest reasons small businesses fail). And that’s especially critical for financial information, which is why integrating Plaid’s loan API to securely check account information is especially crucial. Keeping your software up to date is a great way to protect yourself from these kinds of vulnerabilities.
  5. Bear in mind that while small companies often feel they are safe, suspecting that hackers instead prefer to go after larger corporations, this isn’t the case. In fact, hackers often specifically target smaller businesses simply because they are more vulnerable, and one or two cyberattacks can be a death sentence to a fledgling business.  
  6. Get Involved in the Community
  7. Even though a lot of business takes place online these days, don’t forget to make your presence known in the real, brick-and-mortar world as well. That’s true for every business, regardless of what percentage of your business takes place online. After all, the goal is to expand your customer base as much as possible, so as a rule, leave no stone unturned.
  8. One of the best ways for small businesses to rocket their brand to the forefront of the minds of local customers is to get involved in the community. There are plenty of ways to put your business out there, including teaching classes at the local community center, helping charities in your area, and participating in local events like cookouts or parades. The more you put yourself out there, the better your visibility.
  9. Joining your local chamber of commerce is one way you can reap the benefits of your community while simultaneously giving back. You can have your business listed in community newsletters, join committees to gain visibility, and use the regular meetings to network with fellow community members. This will help give you credibility as a valuable resource in your area.
  10. Get Your Documents Organized
  11. Keeping your office space clutter-free and organized isn’t just good business practice; it’s been proven to help you maintain lower levels of stress, keep you happier, and improve your overall health. The business benefits of keeping an organized filing cabinet - whether you’re using a literal, physical cabinet or an online system to maintain your digital documents - are virtually endless. You will sleep easier at night knowing you have access to whatever you need at a moment’s notice.
  12. For instance, it’s critical to maintain an organized payroll system - and even better is having an automated payroll tool. Automating your business support functions like payroll can help you eliminate paper waste, improve your business processes, and create efficiencies within your company (even in your company of one!). One of the biggest benefits of business process automation is an increase in productivity - not just for you, but for your business partners and employees as well. You can also use a payroll calendar template if you feel like you don’t have enough employees to warrant investing in an entire system. These templates will assist you in staying ahead of payroll processing and help streamline ensuring everyone gets paid.

All this and more! These are only some of the ways for your business to get ahead of competitors and become an important member of the community. These days, more and more businesses are increasing their online presence, as well. That means increased opportunities for advertising and sales, not to mention access to a much broader customer base, but that comes with an increased need for cybersecurity – not to mention tech-savviness. So take your time and don’t be afraid to ask for help!

Jon Belsher is an investigative, forward thinker who is passionate about identifying and creating new opportunities for business development and growth, market expansion, and value-added solutions in the healthcare industry. Reach out today!